Veerle from Oceonics - 12 / Sep / 2020
We all kind of found a way to deal with all this Corona drama. Working from home, or maybe not working at all for a while. We grab the time at home with two hands to get creative, or to do exactly nothing. Everything is good. As long everyone feels safe, healthy and happy. And we'd love to contribute to that. So find yourself back again and take the very best out of this quiet time with your own home spa! Of course, totally plastic free.

Start with a tiny make over of your bathroom. Shut the blinds, put on some scented candles and some relaxing music. Next step is on us. We show you how you turn your bathroom into your own home spa with 5 simple steps.
Nothing better then starting your spa with new, clean skin. So scrub away! Your skin looses thousends of skin cells every day. When they pile up, your skin can look dry and dull. By scrubbing you remove this old skin and your skin would be smooth and glowy. On top of that, you prevent hairs from growing in the wrong direction, you get tanned more equal and it stimulates the blood flow. What a miracle in a jar, right? We've got you covered - obviously. Because we got a big load of lovely body scrubs for you.
Use a scrubbing glove with your favorite scrub gel to stimulate the proces of renewal. For example this one from Naturae Donum. It's made from 75% nettle (!) and 25% cotton.
In general it's recommended to scrub once a week. This depends on your type of skin. Do you have a normal to oily skin? Then once a week is perfect. Is your skin more dry or sensitive? Reduce scrubbing to once every two weeks. Set a specific day in the week to scrub. This way you're never to early and you can look forward to your weekly home spa!
So. Now you have a fresh, clean skin, it will absorb and regulate other products better. Use a body soap to make your cleaning complete and to remove the last bits of the scrub grain. Also here we're your best friend. We have so many amazing shower gels and body soaps for your little home spa. Choose for example the Dead Sea Mud soap by HelemaalShea. It's perfect when you have irritated skin. The mud in the soap stimulates the bloodflow and cleans deep and thoroughly.
Do you ever think about the hard work your feet do for you? Walking, standing for long times, being covered by shoes for hours. They deserve a moment of spoiling. The pumice stone by Croll & Denecke gives your paws just what they need. And to totally honest here: we all 'suffer' from calluses from time to time. Rub the stone over the callus spots and repeat weekly. After a few weeks your feet are soft and smooth. Use the stone on warm, damp skin. So when you come out of the shower.
After the pumice stone, your feet can feel a bit sensitive. Use the foot cream by Fair Squared to give them that soft layer of protection. The citrus oils in the cream have a cooling and revitalising effect which make your feet feel super light.
In the meantime, you will be as smooth as it can be and also dried up. Then it's time to smear. Start with your body. Because the sooner the cream has absorbed, the faster you can dress yourself in your bathrobe. Also in body lotions we have a wide range of products. Of course, they all have their own recipe and specific qualities. But they all have light texture which makes sure your skin absorbs them very quickly. They don't leave a greasy layer on your skin. So you don't have to wait long to be a wrap on your couch.
Last but not least - because they are having a hard time right now - your hands! Washing your hands is a must right now, but what a hell for the skin. You may have 'nourishing' soaps, but when using often they will still dry out your skin. So choose a hand cream which makes the skin smooth again and absorbs quickly. Like this hand cream by Fair Squared or this hand jam from Amazinc!. Pro tip: but the cream next to your hand soap. That way you won't forget to take care of your hands.
We at Oceonics sure do love our masks. A home spa is not complete without one. The ultimate moment of relaxation, doing nothing at all. And your also obligated to do nothing, because before you know you will leave traces everywhere. And it wouldn't be a home spa tip if we don't have a great mask for you. Like the mask from the by Fair Squared. It is full of nourishing ingredients which soothen the skin and is packed with anti oxidants and minerals. It's like being in a Middle Eastern wellness spot.
This way, staying home must be a little bit better, right? Totally clean, soft and smooth you can enjoy a good book, podcast, movie or magazine. Together with a cup of your favorite tea. Because, how much this all sucks, we all have to try to make the best out of it! So organise that home spa now and take that well deserved me-time.
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