Veerle from Oceonics - 14 / Sep / 2020
We think it's amazing that there are so many people inspired to have a plastic free bathroom! We get more and more questions about our products and if we have the holy, plastic free tip. A product we get asked a lot about is toothpaste. For real! It is a product we use every day and therefore have to buy more often then, let's say, a body lotion or a shampoo bar. There are so many awesome toothpaste alternatives and we would love for you to get to know them.

People are wondering if plastic free toothpaste is just as effective as the toothpaste we get from tubes. We call these last ones also 'commercial' or 'regular' toothpastes. You can probably line up some brands from the supermarket. And besides that these brands put harmful substances in their toothpastes, they are al-ways in a plastic tube. 'But isn't that just so handy to get every little bit out of it?'. It sure does. But what if the paste isn't a paste, but a tab?
One of our stars in our Oceonics webshop are the toothpaste tabs or Denttabs. With every brush you use one tab. That way you never use too much, but just enough. They get delivered in a cardboard box. You take one out, put in your mouth, chew on it a bit and slurp a little bit of water. Use a damp toothbrush to activate the Denttab even faster. You will notice now, the tab has been changed in a paste with a slight sweet fresh menthol flavour. Also handy is that they are perfect when travelling. You will just take the right amount of tabs and you can ignore the restrictions around fluids at the security. We have the Denttabs with and without fluoride. Personally, we use the ones with. Opinions differ on fluoride, but you can make your decision for yourself.
And then we have pastes in a jar. Jars where you can scoop every last bit out of with the wooden spatula which is deliverd with it. We have the Sensitive Toothpaste, Whitening and Black Charcoal. All from our favorite duo Ben & Anna. What’s in the word, the Sensitive Toothpaste is for sensitive teeth and gums because it’s full of natural ingredients like chamomile, charcoal, cinnamon and sage. The Orange Fluoride is great for teeth which can use a little bit extra protection and strength. With the fresh flavour of orange and mint oil. The Black Charcoal is recommended to use two times a week next to your other toothpaste. This because it mainly focuses on whitening. The cleaning is very basic.
You would notice that these plastic free and natural toothpastes are not as foamy as regular toothpastes. This is because they don’t contain chemical substances that create the foam. Your teeth won’t be any cleaner with a lot of foam. And next to that, you are also fighting against pollution of the oceans. Bring on that plastic free toothpaste smile!
Check out our other amazing toothpastes right here. And get yourself a bamboo toothbrush!
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